No better way to start off a Fearless Friday blog than with Friday the 13th!
To make up for yesterday's novel (and that was me cutting those thoughts short!), I will keep this post relatively brief because my idea for Fridays is pretty simple: do things of which you are afraid.
I believe new experiences generate growth, and I hold myself back from a lot of growth out of fear. When it comes to letting go and allowing myself to try new things, I am definitely my own worst enemy.
So in an effort to change that, I took a dance class yesterday. Basic hip hop.
Why is that so frightening, you ask? I live in Los Angeles with great dancers trying to break into the industry. I went to Millennium, one of the best dance schools LA has to offer. And I'm interested in hip hop, with no discernible talent or groove of which to speak.
I have been wanting to take this class for months and finally only went because a friend agreed to come with me. I haven't danced since maybe kindergarten, after being in the Nutcracker a few times.
It was horrific.
I am like the hip-hop-opotamus. Slow and not graceful.
My knees hurt. My feet do not operate on the same wavelength as my chest. And my neck is too stiff to pulse. The teacher told us we had to hunch over and get down in it while all I could think was, "this can't be good for my posture."
But I'll definitely be going back.
I'm not a huge fan of things at which I don't immediately succeed. And I may never be able to dance like Twitch.
But I like hip hop and hope I can continue going to class and growing both as a dancer and as an individual.
And who knows, maybe one day I'll have swag.
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What are you afraid of doing? What is your favorite dance style? Let me know with a comment below!
And if you liked this post, don't forget to share it with your friends! Thanks and happy Fearless Friday!
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